You may not be aware of how important nurses are in the field of cosmetic procedures. Not only are they trained and skilled to help surgeons, but many have incredibly rewarding practices on their own.
If making a difference in the lives of your patients is paramount to your mission, then completing advanced Botox training courses in Maryland can truly help you succeed.
It Can Open the Door for New Opportunities
Patients who choose Botox will likely be interested in other cosmetic services such as dermal fillers.
Completed advanced Botox training allows you to offer other cosmetic injectable services to your practice, as these courses typically offer training in injecting dermal fillers, as well.
You’ll Have Repeat Patients
Adding Botox to your practice and building a rapport with your patients means repeat customers. Botox lasts three to six month,s so they’ll be coming back!
You’re Improving the Quality of Life of Your Patients
It’s no secret that Botox is a powerhouse when it comes to fighting signs of aging. You’ll get the satisfaction of knowing you are helping people look and feel their best.
It’s a Solid Source of Revenue
Let’s do some math. The price of Botox per unit is $10 to $25. One session typically requires 30 to 50 units, and sessions run $300 to $1,250 or more. That’s a lot of profit for you!
You Will Take In More Patients
Because Botox injections are so quick, this allows you time to take in more patients. Another boost to your revenue!
Aesthetic University Offers the Most Comprehensive Advanced Botox Training Courses In Maryland!
Why wait to significantly improve your practice if you don’t have to? If you want Botox certification you can be proud of, then enroll today!
Contact us at 240-499-8854, and be sure to ask about our membership program!