How to Choose the #1 Botox Training Course in Virginia

You’ve made the decision to earn your Botox certification, which is great!

So, how do you find the #1 Botox training course in Virginia? Follow these steps, and you’ll be in class soon! 

Make Sure You Meet the Qualifications

Botox certification usually happens in two courses – beginner and advanced. Both courses require students to be licensed medical professionals.

For the advanced course, all All RNs, NPs, PAs, MDs, or DDS with a valid medical license must have at least six months of experience with cosmetic injectables. 

Ask About Whether the Course Provides CMEs

For most people, what makes continuing education worth their time and money are the credits. This should matter to you too. Clients will want to see that you’ve furthered your education and worked towards perfecting your skill. Attending the #1 Botox training course in Virginia is proof! 

Check to Be Sure the Curriculum Is Up to Date

The cosmetic services industry is ever-evolving. That means you need to attend courses that teach the latest and most advanced techniques. 

Your Trainer Should Be Botox Certified

A good trainer, one you can trust, is a provider that is also Botox certified and has years of experience in teaching and administering injections. Don’t be afraid to ask about their credentials.

Look at the Course to Ensure It Offers Valuable Tools to Help Further Your Education

Onsite and virtual learning are fantastic, but does the course offer additional methods of learning? What about hands-on training or observation days? Check on these, because they truly are an incredible way to perfect your Botox injection skills. 

Aesthetic University Is the Only Place You’ll Find the #1 Botox Training Course in Virginia! 

With our instructors, you get in-depth, hands-on training that includes Shadow Days to take you to the next level of your career. We invite you to enroll today, so call us at 240-499-8854 or book your course online now!