What to Look for in the #1 Botox Training Course in Virginia

Becoming Botox certified is an exciting and important step for medical professionals that can truly boost business.

Now that you’ve made the decision to pursue this endeavor, you need to know what to look for in the #1 Botox training course in Virginia. 

You Want an In-Depth Curriculum

Choose Botox training which provides students with both in-person and virtual learning options.

A good curriculum of course offers all the textbook knowledge you need but you also want additional learning opportunities like hands-on training and shadow days where you can observe skilled injectors in action.

The Best Botox Training Course Should Include This Valuable Tool

Learning to inject Botox isn’t just about anatomy and knowing how much to inject. It’s also about understanding what your patients want from their treatments.

The #1 Botox training course in Virginia should teach you the skills needed to evaluate your patients and provide them with comprehensive consultations.

Choose Highly Skilled Educators

A good medical professional can teach you about Botox, but a great one has the skill and years of experience you’ll truly benefit from.

Make sure your educators are highly skilled and experienced with cosmetic injections, as well as with training other medical professionals to administed cosmetic injections. 

Beginner and Advanced Training

Don’t sell yourself short and take only a beginner course. Make sure after completion you have the opportunity to take advanced training to complete your education. 

Ready to Enroll in the #1 Botox Training Course in Virginia? It’s Time to Call Aesthetics University!

We invite you to enroll today in our specialized Botox training course taught by some of the most skilled educators in the world! 

We offer beginner and advanced courses, as well as amazing learning opportunities not offered by other training courses. Call us today at 240-499-8854 to enroll, and be sure to ask about our AU membership program!