What's the Difference Between Botox and Dermal Filler?

Botox and dermal filler are two great ways to fight the signs of aging and rejuvenate your skin. However, it can be a little confusing on which cosmetic injectable does what.

If you’re wondering what’s the difference between Botox and filler, you’ve come to the right place.

Drop the Details on Dermal Filler

Most dermal fillers are made with synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA). However, some are made with other ingredients like synthetic calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) or synthetic poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). All of these substances are produced naturally by your body and aid in the production of youth-promoting agents like collagen in your body.

When dermal fillers are injected into places like your lips, cheeks, chin, and even your nose and hands, it adds volume and also causes the treated area to draw in moisture and collagen.

This allows dermal fillers to enhance, correct, and rejuvenate select areas of your body.

So, What’s the Difference Between Botox and Filler?

Unlike dermal filler, Botox uses the neurotoxin bacterium Clostridium botulinum to temporarily block communication between your nerves and your muscles. This causes areas of your face and body to relax. 

Botox was the first cosmetic injectable on the market, and medical professionals have been finding way more ways to help their patients with it everyday.

It’s the perfect treatment for TMJ, fine lines, wrinkles, migraines, excessive sweating, and other health conditions, for which it was originally developed.

How Can I Find Out More About Cosmetic Injectables?

If you’re still asking yourself, what’s the difference between Botox and filler, then enroll in classes at Aesthetic University.

We have the premier experts on injecting dermal filler and neurotoxins to teach you how to provide your patients with jaw-dropping results.

To learn more about our courses on Botox and filler contact our enrollment center at 240-499-8854 today!